Keith Douglas Ohlendorf

Our son Keith was an intelligent, wonderful, kind young man. A graduate of the University of Minnesota in film studies, he had a huge collection of DVDs and a vast knowledge of movies and popular culture. He planed to attend graduate school in Madison after his fiancée Emily finished law school. Full of energy, he was a natural leader always concerned for the welfare and feelings of the friends in his group. Keith was a Quaker and believed that you must look for the good in everyone that is a reflection of their creator. His philosophy carried over to his politics and he was a member of the DFL party and a volunteer for Senator Paul Wellstone. His name is on the DFL Hall of Fame. If a phone call from a friend in need came in at 1:15 am, Keith was out the door at 1:20 am. Holidays were always an adventure. We never knew how many people were coming for holiday dinner or how many dinners Keith would want to take to his friends who had to work that day. One of Keith's friends related a story about Keith demanding out-of-town friends be invited to a party. When told they could not possible come Keith replied, "They would want to be asked to know that they had been included in the group". About 250 of those friends showed up for his funeral. He had 25 pallbearers (all were included) and a funeral procession that was over 12 blocks long.